

import styled from 'styled-components'
import { color, space, typography, SpaceProps, TypographyProps, variant } from 'styled-system'
import { VariantType } from '../../theme'
import { ColorProps } from '../../utils/color-props'
import { cssClass } from '../../utils/css-class'

 * @load ./
 * @memberof Badge
 * @alias BadgeProps
 * @property {string} [...] Other props from {@link ColorProps}, {@link SpaceProps}
 *                          and {@link TypographyProps}
export type BadgeProps = SpaceProps & TypographyProps & ColorProps & {
   * Color variant
  variant?: VariantType;
   * Outline version
  outline?: boolean;
   * Size variant
  size?: 'sm' | 'lg' | 'default';

const variantStyle = (variantColor: string, props: BadgeProps): Record<string, any> => ({
  bg: variantColor,
  borderColor: variantColor,
  color: props.outline ? variantColor : 'white',

const colorVariant = (props: BadgeProps): Record<string, any> => variant({
  variants: {
    primary: variantStyle('primary100', props),
    danger: variantStyle('error', props),
    success: variantStyle('success', props),
    info: variantStyle('info', props),
    secondary: variantStyle('accent', props),
    light: variantStyle('light', props),
    default: {},

const sizeVariants = variant({
  prop: 'size',
  variants: {
    sm: {
      py: 'xs',
    lg: {
      py: '11px',
      px: '14px',
    default: {},

 * @load ./
 * @see BadgeProps
 * @see {@link StoryBook}
 * @component
 * @hideconstructor
 * @section design-system
 * @subcategory Atoms
const Badge = styled.span<BadgeProps>`
  border-radius: 20px;
  border: 1px solid ${({ theme }): string => theme.colors.grey40};
  color: ${({ outline, theme }): string => (outline ? theme.colors.grey60 : theme.colors.white)};
  vertical-align: middle;
  font-family: ${({ theme }): string => theme.font};
  display: inline;

  ${(props): any => colorVariant(props)};
  ${({ outline }): string => (outline ? 'background: transparent;' : '')}

Badge.defaultProps = {
  px: 'default',
  py: 'sm',
  fontSize: 'sm',
  bg: 'grey40',
  className: cssClass('Badge'),

export { Badge }
export default Badge

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