

 * @module @admin-bro/hapi
 * @subcategory Plugins
 * @section modules
 * @classdesc
 * ## Installation
 * ```sh
 * npm install @admin-bro/hapi @hapi/boom @hapi/inert
 * ```
 * Plugin depends on the following packages and they have to be installed beforehand:
 * - [boom]( - handling errors
 * - [inert]( - rendering static assets
 * If you want to use built-in auth, you'll also need this:
 * - [hapi-auth-cookie](
 * ## Usage
 * The plugin can be registered using standard `server.register` method.
 * The simplest example:
 * ```javascript
 * const AdminBroPlugin = require('@admin-bro/hapi')
 * const Hapi = require('hapi')
 * const adminBroOptions = {
 *   resources: [YourResource],
 * }
 * const server = Hapi.server({ port: process.env.PORT || 8080 })
 * const start = async () => {
 *   await server.register({
 *     plugin: AdminBroPlugin,
 *     options: adminBroOptions,
 *   })
 *   await server.start()
 * }
 * start()
 * ```
 * The example above will launch the admin panel under default `localhost:8080/admin` url.
 * Routes will be accessible by all users without any authentication.
 * To restrict access, you can pass `auth` via plugin options.
 * ## Authentication options
 * Plugin receives all {@link AdminBroOptions} and one special parameter: `auth`, which controls the authentication.
 * 1. By default, if you won't give `options.auth` - admin panel will be available without the authentication (like in the simplest example above)
 * 2. You can set whatever authentication you prefer for admin routes by setting `options.auth.strategy`. For example:
 * ```javascript
 * //...
 * await server.register(require('hapi-auth-basic'))
 * server.auth.strategy('simple', 'basic', { validate })
 * await server.register({
 *   plugin: AdminBroPlugin,
 *   options: { auth: { strategy: 'simple' }, ...otherAdminBroOptions },
 * })
 * //...
 * ```
 * The strategy will be passed down to all AdminBro routes.
 * 3. @admin-bro/hapi plugin can be setup to use [auth-cookie]( 
 * Only thing you have to do is to define the following {@link module:@admin-bro/hapi.register auth options}: 
 * _authenticate_, _cookiePassword_, _isSecure_, _cookieName_.

const Plugin = require('./plugin')

module.exports = Plugin

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