

/* eslint-disable max-len */
/* eslint no-unused-vars: 0 */
import populator from '../utils/populator/populator'
import ViewHelpers from '../utils/view-helpers/view-helpers'
import { CurrentAdmin } from '../../current-admin.interface'
import AdminBro from '../../admin-bro'
import { ActionContext, ActionRequest, RecordActionResponse, ActionResponse, BulkActionResponse } from '../actions/action.interface'
import ConfigurationError from '../utils/errors/configuration-error'
import NotFoundError from '../utils/errors/not-found-error'
import { requestParser } from '../utils/request-parser'
import { SearchActionResponse } from '../actions/search/search-action'

 * Controller responsible for the auto-generated API: `/admin_root/api/...`, where
 * _admin_root_ is the `rootPath` given in {@link AdminBroOptions}.
 * The best way to utilise it is to use {@link ApiClient} on the frontend.
 * ### Available API endpoints
 * <div class='table-container'>
 * | Endpoint                 | Method                | Description |
 * |--------------------------|-----------------------|-------------|
 * | .../api/resources/{resourceId}/actions/{action} | {@link ApiController#resourceAction} | Perform customized resource action |
 * | .../api/resources/{resourceId}/records/{recordId}/{action} | {@link ApiController#recordAction} | Perform customized record action |
 * | .../api/resources/{resourceId}/bulk/{action}?recordIds={recordIds} | {@link ApiController#bulkAction} | Perform customized bulk action |
 * | .../api/pages/{pageName}_ | {@link ApiController#page} | Perform customized page action |
 * | .../api/dashboard_ | {@link ApiController#dashboard} | Perform customized dashboard action |
 * </div>
 * ### Responsibility
 * In general this controllers takes handler functions you define in {@link AdminBroOptions} and:
 * - find all the [context information]{@link ActionContext} which is needed by the action
 *   and is passed to the {@link Action#handler}, {@link Action#before} and {@link Action#after}
 * - checks if action can be invoked by particular user {@link Action#isAccessible}
 * - invokes {@link Action#before} and {@link Action#after} hooks
 * You probably don't want to modify it, but you can call its methods by using {@link ApiClient}
 * @hideconstructor
class ApiController {
  private _admin: AdminBro

  private currentAdmin: CurrentAdmin

   * @param {Object} options
   * @param {AdminBroOptions} options.admin
   * @param {CurrentAdmin} [currentAdmin]
  constructor({ admin }, currentAdmin) {
    this._admin = admin
    this.currentAdmin = currentAdmin

   * Returns context for given action
   * @private
   * @param   {ActionRequest}  request  request object
   * @return  {Promise<ActionContext>} action context
  async getActionContext(request: ActionRequest): Promise<ActionContext> {
    const { resourceId, action: actionName } = request.params
    const h = new ViewHelpers(this._admin)
    const resource = this._admin.findResource(resourceId)
    const action = resource.decorate().actions[actionName]
    return {
      currentAdmin: this.currentAdmin,
      _admin: this._admin,

   * Search records by query string.
   * Handler function responsible for a _.../api/resources/{resourceId}/search/{query}_ route
   * @param   {ActionRequest}  request with __params.query__ set
   * @param   {any}            response
   * @return  {Promise<SearchActionResponse>}    found records
  async search(request: ActionRequest, response): Promise<SearchActionResponse> {
    request.params.action = 'search'
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      'Using ApiController#search is deprecated in favour of resourceAction',
      'It will be removed in the next version',
    return this.resourceAction(request, response) as Promise<SearchActionResponse>

   * Performs a customized {@link Action resource action}.
   * To call it use {@link ApiClient#resourceAction} method.
   * Handler function responsible for a _.../api/resources/{resourceId}/actions/{action}_
   * @param   {ActionRequest}  originalRequest
   * @param   {any}            response object from the plugin (i.e. admin-bro-expressjs)
   * @return  {Promise<ActionResponse>}  action response
  async resourceAction(originalRequest: ActionRequest, response: any): Promise<ActionResponse> {
    const actionContext = await this.getActionContext(originalRequest)
    const request = requestParser(originalRequest, actionContext.resource)
    return actionContext.action.handler(request, response, actionContext)

   * Performs a customized {@link Action record action}.
   * To call it use {@link ApiClient#recordAction} method.
   * Handler function responsible for a _.../api/resources/{resourceId}/records/{recordId}/{action}_
   * @param   {ActionRequest}  originalRequest
   * @param   {any}  response
   * @return  {Promise<RecordActionResponse>}  action response
   * @throws  ConfigurationError      When given record action doesn't return {@link RecordJSON}
   * @throws  ConfigurationError      when action handler doesn't return Promise<{@link RecordActionResponse}>
  async recordAction(originalRequest: ActionRequest, response: any): Promise<RecordActionResponse> {
    const { recordId, resourceId } = originalRequest.params
    const actionContext = await this.getActionContext(originalRequest)
    const request = requestParser(originalRequest, actionContext.resource)

    if (!recordId) {
      throw new NotFoundError([
        'You have to pass recordId to the recordAction',
      ].join('\n'), 'Action#handler')

    let record = await actionContext.resource.findOne(recordId)

    if (!record) {
      throw new NotFoundError([
        `record with given id: "${recordId}" cannot be found in resource "${resourceId}"`,
      ].join('\n'), 'Action#handler')
    [record] = await populator([record])

    actionContext.record = record
    const jsonWithRecord = await actionContext.action.handler(request, response, actionContext)

    if (jsonWithRecord && jsonWithRecord.record && jsonWithRecord.record.recordActions) {
      return jsonWithRecord
    throw new ConfigurationError(
      'handler of a recordAction should return a RecordJSON object',

   * Performs a customized {@link Action bulk action}.
   * To call it use {@link ApiClient#bulkAction} method.
   * Handler function responsible for a _.../api/resources/{resourceId}/bulk/{action}?recordIds={recordIds}_
   * @param   {ActionRequest}  request
   * @param   {any}  response
   * @return  {Promise<BulkActionResponse>}  action response
   * @throws  NotFoundError           when recordIds are missing in query or they don't exists in
   *                                  the database
   * @throws  ConfigurationError      when action handler doesn't return Promise<{@link BulkActionResponse}>
  async bulkAction(originalRequest: ActionRequest, response: any): Promise<BulkActionResponse> {
    const { resourceId } = originalRequest.params
    const { recordIds } = originalRequest.query || {}
    const actionContext = await this.getActionContext(originalRequest)
    const request = requestParser(originalRequest, actionContext.resource)

    if (!recordIds) {
      throw new NotFoundError([
        'You have to pass "recordIds" to the bulkAction via search params: ?recordIds=...',
      ].join('\n'), 'Action#handler')

    let records = await actionContext.resource.findMany(recordIds.split(','))

    if (!records || !records.length) {
      throw new NotFoundError([
        `record with given id: "${recordIds}" cannot be found in resource "${resourceId}"`,
      ].join('\n'), 'Action#handler')
    records = await populator(records)
    const jsonWithRecord = await actionContext.action.handler(request, response, { ...actionContext, records })

    if (jsonWithRecord && jsonWithRecord.records) {
      return jsonWithRecord
    throw new ConfigurationError(
      'handler of a bulkAction should return an Array of RecordJSON object',

   * Gets optional data needed by the dashboard.
   * To call it use {@link ApiClient#getDashboard} method.
   * Handler function responsible for a _.../api/dashboard_
   * @param   {ActionRequest}  request
   * @param   {any}  response
   * @return  {Promise<any>}  action response
  async dashboard(request: any, response: any): Promise<any> {
    const h = new ViewHelpers(this._admin)
    const handler = this._admin.options.dashboard && this._admin.options.dashboard.handler
    if (handler) {
      return handler(request, response, {
        currentAdmin: this.currentAdmin,
        _admin: this._admin,
    return {
      message: [
        'You can override this method by setting up dashboard.handler',
        'function in AdminBro options',

   * Gets optional data needed by the page.
   * To call it use {@link ApiClient#getPage} method.
   * Handler function responsible for a _.../api/pages/{pageName}_
   * @param   {ActionRequest}  request
   * @param   {any}  response
   * @return  {Promise<any>}  action response
  async page(request: any, response: any): Promise<any> {
    const h = new ViewHelpers(this._admin)
    const { pages = {} } = this._admin.options

    const { pageName } = request.params
    const { handler } = (pages[pageName] || {})

    if (handler) {
      return handler(request, response, {
        currentAdmin: this.currentAdmin,
        _admin: this._admin,
    return {
      message: [
        'You can override this method by setting up pages[pageName].handler',
        'function in AdminBro options',

export default ApiController

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