

import { Response } from 'firebase-functions';
import { Request } from 'firebase-functions/lib/providers/https';
import { AdminBroOptions, CurrentAdmin } from 'admin-bro';

 * @alias BuildHandlerReturn
 * @memberof module:@admin-bro/firebase-functions

export type BuildHandlerReturn = ((req: Request, resp: Response) => Promise<void>);
 * @alias BuildHandlerOptions
 * @memberof module:@admin-bro/firebase-functions

export type BuildHandlerOptions = {
  /** Region where function is deployed */
  region: string;
   * Optional before `async` hook which can be used to initialize database.
   * if it returns something it will be used as AdminBroOptions.
  before?: () => Promise<AdminBroOptions | undefined | null> | AdminBroOptions | undefined | null;
   * custom authentication option. If given AdminBro will render login page
  auth?: {
     * secret which is used to encrypt the session cookie
    secret: string;
     * authenticate function
    authenticate: (
      email: string,
      password: string
    ) => Promise<CurrentAdmin | null> | CurrentAdmin | null;

     * For how long cookie session will be stored.
     * Default to 900000 (15 minutes).
     * In milliseconds.
    maxAge?: number;

   * Adjustment path when you proxy the domain. Use case: you proxy `` to admin
   * firebase function with admin having `rootUrl=='/'` then you have to tell admin that all `paths`
   * he receives are `/app` namespaced so he can properly resolve them. In such case
   * `customFunctionPath` should be set to `app` because proxy path - rootUrl === 'app'.
  customFunctionPath?: string;

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