

This is an official plugin which allows you to render AdminBro in NestJS framework


  1. First of all, install the AdminBro along with the module:
yarn add admin-bro @admin-bro/nestjs


You have to additionally add admin-bro express plugin along with packages it's using, express and express formidable:

yarn add express @admin-bro/express express-formidable

If you are passing authenticate object you have to also add express-session:

yarn add express-session


Work in progress - currently not available

  1. Once the installation process is complete, we can import the AdminModule into the root AppModule.
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AdminModule } from '@admin-bro/nestjs';

  imports: [
       rootPath: '/admin',
       resources: [],
export class AppModule {}

Then enter /admin path in your browser and you should see the AdminBro.

  1. Passing resources

Let say you use @nestjs/typeorm module, and you have users module.

  • you have to install @admin-bro/typeorm adapter
  • you have to register it in AdminBro (as stated in the docs)
  • and you have to pass it to your options
import AdminBro from 'admin-bro';
import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { AdminModule } from '@admin-bro/nestjs';
import { Database, Resource } from '@admin-bro/typeorm'
import { TypeOrmModule } from '@nestjs/typeorm';
import { UsersModule } from './users/users.module';

AdminBro.registerAdapter({ Database, Resource })

  imports: [
    // you will have to change connection data of course :)
      type: 'postgres',
      host: 'localhost',
      port: 5432,
      username: 'postgres',
      password: '',
      database: 'database_test',
      entities: [User],
      synchronize: true,
      adminBroOptions: {
         rootPath: '/admin',
         resources: [User],
export class AppModule {}


Apart from the adminBroOptions you can define auth settings.

This is an example which always logs users in, since authenticate method always returns a Promise resolving to CurrentAdmin. You may want to compare the password against what what you have encrypted in the database.

    adminBroOptions: {
      rootPath: '/admin',
      resources: [User],
    auth: {
      authenticate: async (email, password) => Promise.resolve({ email: 'test' }),
      cookieName: 'test',
      cookiePassword: 'testPass',

Advanced techniques

Sometimes some thing couldn't be provided synchronously, that's why there is also asynchronous way of providing options.

Let's say you use @nestjs/mongoose module, which could define models in modules that fit the best contextually. This creates a problem that we don't have model instance available yet when we are creating AdminModule synchronously.

We can take advantage of nestjs dependency injection using AdminModule.createAdminAsync(). This method alows us to import modules that have necessary dependencies and then inject them to admin bro config.

For example:

  • we have MongooseSchemasModule which defines Admin model and exports it:
 imports: [
   MongooseModule.forFeature([{ name: 'Admin', schema: AdminSchema }]),
 exports: [MongooseModule],
export class MongooseSchemasModule {}
  • we want to use Admin model in admin-bro panel, to be displayed as the resource
   imports: [
       imports: [
         MongooseSchemasModule, // importing module that exported model we want to inject
       inject: [
         getModelToken('Admin'), // using mongoose function to inject dependency
       useFactory: (adminModel: Model<Admin>) => ({ // injected dependecy will appear as an argument
         adminBroOptions: {
           rootPath: '/admin',
           resources: [
             { resource: adminModel },
export class AppModule { }

There is a working example here


Type Definitions


# AdminModuleOptions

Options passed to nestjs module

Name Type Attributes Description
adminBroOptions AdminBroOptions

Standard AdminBro options

auth object <optional>

Authentication options. When NOT provided, it will initialize AdminBro without login page and authorization function.

authenticate function

verifies if given credentials are valid, therefore if user has access to Admin Panel

cookiePassword string
cookieName string
formidableOptions ExpressFormidableOptions <optional>

Options passed to express formidable (used only by AdminBro express module)

sessionOptions SessionOptions <optional>

Options passed to express session (used only by AdminBro express module), Here you might want to change the store from the default memory store to, something more reliable (i.e. database).

View Source admin-bro-nestjs/src/interfaces/admin-module-options.interface.ts, line 6


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